How far in advance do we need to contact you to get on your schedule for the season?

It is important that you contact us as early into the season as possible. Most of our contracts are signed by September, and we have limited residential openings into October and November.

We recommend reaching out to us even if it is late, and we will do the best we can to accommodate you.

Do we need to be home for the installation?

We prefer that you are home when we arrive, so that we can make sure all outdoor electrical is working, and that we have access to all areas needed. If you can’t be home while we are working, it is important that we can reach you by phone.

Will we need to hire an electrician?

Most of the time an electrician is not required. In special circumstances, an electrician may need to be called if your electrical system cannot handle the electrical needs of the installation.

If that is the case and it is determined ahead of time, we are happy to include these services as part of our quote, and we will work with a licensed local electrician to get your project up and running with minimal hassle.

What are your service areas?

Residential Service Area: Hampshire County, Hampden County and surrounding areas. Commercial Service Area: Hampshire County, Hampden County, Berkshire County, Franklin County, and Central Connecticut. We are also willing to travel farther for Large commercial projects.

Will you install lights that we already own?

Unfortunately we don’t install pre owned lights.

We warranty all of our work, and use only commercial grade supplies. In order to provide this high level of service and to guarantee our results, we have to be able to easily access parts for our repairs.

Is there a difference between your lights and ones I can buy at my local retailer?

Yes, there is a big difference between commercial grade lights and lights you find in local stores.

Is there a labor warranty just in case the lights stop working or there is a problem?

We guarantee all of our work. If there is a malfunction or a light stops working, we will make our best effort to get it fixed within 24 hours, depending on your location and weather conditions.

Is there an extra cost to store our lights for next year?

Storage is included in your contract price.

Do we own the lights?

With our all inclusive program you’ll never own old, half working lights again! We automatically replace all decor as needed, and you will have the flexibility to change colors and design each year!

When will you take down our lights?

We begin light removal as early as January 2nd. No appointment is necessary. We will ask you for your ideal take down date, and will work to give you a date range based on your preferences, weather permitting.

How much will it cost us to have our decorations installed and taken down?

We offer a full package price that includes Design, Installation, Maintenance, Take down, and Storage. We will work to provide you with a few design options that are within your budget. Average pricing for residential homes range from $500-$2500. Commercial Pricing can vary greatly. Please call us for more details and to schedule an estimate today! (413) 247-6993

Do you Have Liability and Workman's Compensation Insurance?

Safety is our priority! We are fully insured, all our employees are OSHA 10 certified, and we have additional safety training weekly.

What Type of lights and decorations can you install?

We have many types of lights to choose from depending on your tastes. We have Classic Large Bulb LED’s, Mini lights, Icicle Lights, Light Sculptures, wreaths,bows, lit garlands, banners, animated displays, and much more!